Hi everyone! With the festive feel all around, I wish you all a very Happy Diwali! Hope you guys
celebtated it in the gleam of diyas with lots of happiness and joy.
Today, this substantial blogpost is about a two word hashtag floating virally on all the social mediums
to condemn sexual harrasment in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey
It has spread its wings in all the corners of the world from Hollywood to Bollywood, people from all
walks of life are coming forward with their experiences, raising hands among those who have been
assaulted at some point of time in their life.
WHY? I beseech here WHY?? Why still things like these exist?
No matter how westernised our culture is or how forward (in lame language) we are, still men feel
powerful in groping a women at her workplace or when she is alone on street walking the way down
to her destination.
It’s frightening, embarrasing and at the same time it displays the shameless behaviour of your boy
child, whom you carried in your belly with pride for nine months. I still feel horrified with the daily
news update of such matters. It gives me shiver down my spine when I hear these cases happening
around in the society where I live.
I remember discussing the same with my husband few days back and he explaining me with all his
love and care that, Falling into love and non-consensual contact are two completly different things,
its a high time now men should understand the words giving my lady and all other girls a peaceful
sound sleep night. A food for thought for all the creeps✔️
I wish it ends soon, sooner...and every guy, man, boy makes sure to behave appropriately in a decent
way with their female counterparts.
Time to change your thinking..!!
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